Problem solver: explainer videos for products instead of trade fairs

Close-up Of A Human Hand Attracting Human Figures With Horseshoe Magnet

Problem solver: explainer videos for products instead of trade fairs

Instead of trade fairs, explainer videos for new products are a good solution. The target group only has to enter the problem online. And they’ll get solutions. The right information is always there where the user needs help. This pays off.


The future does not belong to virtual trade show booths, but to problem clusters. These are virtual places where answers and suggested solutions to the problem are gathered.

The prospective customer can check at the best time why the new product helps better than others. And the product-related explainer video remains a loyal companion.


Always the right time

Trade show dates are currently vague. But explainer product video also offers undreamt-of advantages in other respects. The time is always favorable for the viewers. Perhaps they would have been prevented from attending the trade fair anyway.

Perhaps the problem would not yet have existed at the time of the trade fair visit. Or the new product would not have been available yet. The product-related explainer video, on the other hand, is always called up when the problem is burning and the corresponding product is on the market.


How a good product video works

A product-related explainer video is good if it accompanies an essential stage of the customer journey. It should say in the first place: „Here I am and I solve you the following problem. This is how I’m going to help you. You are part of my target audience.“

The explainer video for a new product gives easy-to-understand, but sound answers to solve the problem. There may be other products that could also solve this problem, but not as well. The video highlights this unique selling point.

Show and explain

The USP is not only explained in the video, but shown. Video sequences and animations underpin the solution promise. They show the most important aspects that make this product or service truly unique.

The new explainer video will be a reliable tour guide in solving the problem. As a guide from prospects to leads to buyers. But also after the purchase. Unlike a trade show presentation, the product video can thus establish touchpoints with the seller again and again.

Because after the purchase is before the next purchase, if the customer is enthusiastic about the product and service. This is also due to the explainer video. It also helps later and thus helps in customer service.

Problem clusters instead of „virtual trade show

Anytime, anywhere – this is what makes the product-related explainer video disruptive. Not the virtual trade fair with its cyber exhibition halls will be the exhibition venue of the future.

The problem will become the cluster. That’s why the proposed solutions are gathering in the form of answers and appropriately explained product videos.


Hardly the whole site

I go to a trade fair because I want to know how my problem can be solved. I am interested in what my market participants are doing, my suppliers and what moves my customers.

Even if I book a complete package: I’m not really interested in what’s on display in Halls 5, 6 and 7. I have neither time nor money for that.

„Here I am, and I’ll solve the following problem for you. This is how I’m going to help you. You are part of my target group.“

Using time and money more efficiently

The same applies to me as an exhibitor. I want to use time and money as efficiently as possible. I can do this better if a video production company comes to me and films the product there, or if it can be sent to the video production company’s studio.

As a manufacturer or service provider, I don’t need booth builders, elaborate logistics or explaining the same thing hundreds of times.


Now it gets personal

So we’ve got the exhibition space figured out. But what about personal contact? That’s what the call-to-action at the end of the video is for. At the trade show, you need to make an important personal appointment, too.

Trade shows have well-rehearsed processes. So does the professional production of videos. All this can be done quite easily and safely. To do this, we rely on systematized processes and quality standards.


Live or remote

In a structured briefing process and one or two video conferences, we clarify the goals and implementation options. We then develop a concept and look forward to your feedback.

You have the option of being present live or remotely during productions and post-productions. Curious now? Then let’s discuss your product-related explainer video together.

About The Author

William Vorsatz
William Vorsatz ist Geschäftsführender Inhaber von VORSATZ.MEDIA, Filmproduzent, Formatentwickler, preisgekrönter Autor und Coach.
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VORSATZ.MEDIA Video Marketing: Berlin