Storytelling in Commercials: The Roles of Hero and Mentor

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Storytelling in Commercials: The Roles of Hero and Mentor

Why are 95 percent of all corporate films and product videos yawningly boring? Because they are self-centred instead of focusing on the target group. A different distribution of roles makes the story a success.

You know those guys at the party who only talk about themselves the whole time? They never really ask about you. After a short while you flee and look for the people who are interested in you.

Think differently

90 percent of all image films make the same mistake. They put their company in the centre. Successful messages work differently. „Think different“ (Apple), „Just do it“ (Nike): The target person is the centre of attention. They are empowered to go their own way with your products or services.

For the commissioning company, there is another role, that of the mentor. Mentors need to be emphatic: „I understand how you feel.“ They must have authority and credibly demonstrate their competence. And they have a plan to activate the hero, the target audience.

The gap in the story

At the beginning of a great story is the story gab, the gap in the story. There is a problem, something is missing. The bigger the problem, the more important the story. A really big problem has three levels.

There is outer or cause level. Something in my life just doesn’t work (anymore). For example, the climate. The effects such as drought, hurricanes or rising sea levels are obvious.

To survive, you have to tell stories.

Umberto Eco

The stuff of great stories

Then there is the inner problem. Something about it bothers me personally. I worry a lot. I feel small and powerless. And there is a moral problem: if I don’t do anything, how am I going to explain this to my children?

Our big problems and how we can solve them, that is the stuff of heroic stories. But the target group is the hero. No company or service provider should claim the hero role for itself. Otherwise he will fare like the babbling guys at the party.


With the help of the mentor

Now we have all the ingredients for a great story. The hero’s path to the goal is the story. Despite challenges, he can achieve his goal and create a better world for himself and others. With the help of the mentor.

This is imprinted on the mind. The information has now reached the subconscious like all the other great stories.

Courage and restraint

Building an image film strictly according to the principle of the hero’s journey requires courage. Not wanting to be the hero yourself requires restraint. But it works. Here at VORSATZ.MEDIA we are happy to take on the role of mentor. Set out on your journey. With us.

About The Author

William Vorsatz
William Vorsatz ist Geschäftsführender Inhaber von VORSATZ.MEDIA, Filmproduzent, Formatentwickler, preisgekrönter Autor und Coach.
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VORSATZ.MEDIA Video Marketing: Berlin