Onboarding: Starting Film Production the Right Way
When two companies work together, different cultures come into contact. This can cause friction. Even in a film production. The right onboarding ensures that everything runs smoothly.
Other employees always answer the phone. They don’t know about specific questions. In our last conversation, we didn’t clarify whether interviews were wanted or not. It is unclear who decides. We produce inefficiently.
Finding dates
Finally, interviews are requested after all. There are problems again. Due to poor communication, no appointments can be found. Finally, they are postponed more often. Much valuable time is lost. Both sides are dissatisfied.
In order for the cooperation to work, good onboarding is necessary. Onboarding is the beginning of joint cooperation. It consists of a clearly designed document and a kick-off meeting. This is how both sides get to know each other personally.

The client’s duty
The contract is signed, but the work for the client is not over yet. It is just beginning. From the very beginning, different corporate cultures meet. That is normal. Without good communication, misunderstandings can hinder the process.
With onboarding, an agency sets the right course. Communication is clear right from the start. The work process is efficient. No misunderstandings occur. Wishes and questions can always be dealt with efficiently. A professional product is created.
Clear design
Our onboarding document is neatly designed and well arranged. It is important for us to provide consistent accessibility and an overview of our team. Therefore, our responsibilities are clearly divided. Office hours and contact information are listed in the onboarding document.
We use local servers that all employees can access at any time. We like working with other companies via Google Workspace. However, we are also flexible to work with other cloud solutions. We organize our internal appointments with a clear project structure plan, in which all project times are listed clearly.
Plan project structure
We create a detailed schedule for the project. Both sides know when which production step will take place. We set important dates in advance. To get specific details for the film, we create a questionnaire.
For the kick-off meeting we like to meet personally in our conference rooms in Berlin-Kreuzberg. We prefer to discuss content ideas face to face over refreshments and snacks. As we work together on the film, we become one team.
Especially in times of home office, the onboarding of VORSATZ.MEDIA brought us together and laid the foundation for a successful collaboration.
Together through the production
Complications can always arise. Constant contact is important for a product that both parties are happy with. To find a good working process, there must be a mutual understanding from the beginning. With the right onboarding we make sure of that. On eye level we guide you through the process for your professional commissioned film.